Announcing the 2016 Safety Conference Workshops

The 14th Annual Alleghenies Regional Safety Conference will be held on Tuesday, October 4, 2016 from 8:00am to 4:00pm at the Frank J. Pasquerilla Conference Center, Johnstown, PA.
Participants will have the opportunity to visit the vendor booths and take part in the workshops that will be going on throughout the day.  The workshop topics are as follows:
Opening Session: Tom Churbak – HSE Solutions, LLC
“Engaging Employees in Safety/Marketing Your Safety Program”
Keynote Session: Deputy Secretary – Jennifer Smith – PA Department of Drug and Alcohol: Opioid Epidemic and Crime Impacting Our Communities
  1. Identifying and Addressing Warning Signs of Potential Workplace Violence – City of Johnstown Police Department Detective
  2. Lockdown Procedures for Office/Industrial Buildings – Department of Homeland Security
  3. Workplace Health & Wellness/Conemaugh Health Hospital
  4. OSHA updates to include common violations
  5. Addressing Repetitive Injuries – Workplace Health
  6. Driving in Bad Weather
  7. Electrical Safety NFPA70E

Closing Session: “Best Practices in Safety” Panel Discussion

*CEU certificates provided by Pennsylvania Highlands Community College
If you are interested in attending the conference, providing a sponsorship or exhibiting, please contact Debi Balog, JARI Workforce Director at  or by phone at (814) 262.8366.

Doing Business with PennDOT


Join the leaders of the Diverse Business Supportive Services Center at this free seminar. This workshop will provide attendees with tips and strategies for working with PennDOT and securing Pennsylvania state-funded contracts.


August 11, 2016

11 AM-12 PM

begins at 10:45 AM

JARI Center for Business Development

160 JARI Drive,

Johnstown, PA 15904


The cost is free! Due to limited seating, pre-registration is required. Click here to register.

Contact Lenora Leasure, JARI PTAC Program Manager, for additional information. (814) 254-4022 or 

Transitional Re-Entry Advisory Committee


A Transitional Re-entry Advisory Committee (TRAC) has been formed to assist ex-offenders with successful re-entry into the community.  The committee is comprised of various non-profit partners, educational institutions, employers, law enforcement and community agencies.  The goal of the committee is to help individuals “stay on track” by improving their lives through education, employment, support services and a reduced rate of recidivism.  TRAC will hold a meeting at 10:00 am on July 26 at the Penn Traffic Building Conference Room located at 319 Washington Street, downtown.  The committee is inviting employers to participate to assist with providing job search advice and options for employment.  If you are interested in attending the meeting and/or becoming a member, please contact Debi Balog, Director, Workforce Development and TRAC Committee member at 814-262-8366 or via e-mail 


Click for the meeting agenda, speakers and mission statement.

Two FREE Seminars in Johnstown on July 19th

Ben Franklin’s eMarketing Learning Center is on the road with its partners this month offering two highly sought after FREE workshops.


July 19, 2016

PA Highlands Community College

101 Community College Way

Workforce Education Center

Rm. A144

  • 10 a.m. – Noon    LinkedIn for Business Marketing
  • 1 p.m. – 3 p.m.     What’s Working in Ecommerce Today

For more details and to sign up, click here. NOTE: You must register online in advance.