JARI is a U.S. Small Business Administration-approved microlender. JARI’s Microloan Program is open to any small business in Bedford, Blair, Cambria, Indiana or Somerset Counties and can be used for equipment, inventory, working capital and a variety of other purposes. This is a tremendous opportunity for businesses, particularly newer companies that may be sitting on a small expansion or improvement project because they did not know about public financing.
More than $1.6 million loans closed in 2023Following successful application and review, companies can receive a loan of up to $50,000! Depending on project locations, JARI’s sister corporation, JIDC, can also assist businesses with identifying additional sources of revenue for matching funds. The term of the loan will vary based on how the money is to be used. The interest rate ranges between 5.0 percent and 7.75 percent. All borrowers will receive technical assistance throughout the term of the loan.
As part of the program, we provide technical assistance to our borrowers and potential borrowers. To see the schedule of upcoming lunch and learn sessions, click here.
To learn more about the Microloan Program at JARI/JIDC, contact Michele Clapper at 814.262.8368 to discuss your specific needs for customized financing assistance.
This program is funded, in part, through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance.