JARI Funds Entrepreneur in Downtown Johnstown

JARI is pleased to announce Microloan funding for a business in downtown Johnstown. Rocco’s Sub Shop, a sub and pizza restaurant located at 345 Main Street, is now owned and operated by Jordan Schroll.

Rocco’s originally opened in 2013 and quickly became a popular destination in Johnstown. When it was time to turn the business over to a new owner, Schroll decided he was ready to own and operate his own shop. “I’m very excited to be my own boss and take on this new challenge with the assistance of JARI,” noted Schroll. Linda Thomson, JARI President, commented “JARI is excited to be working with another small business in the City of Johnstown providing an excellent restaurant option to the downtown community. ”

If you would like assistance in starting or financing your business please contact Michele Clapper, VP of Economic Development, at (814) 262-8368 or via e-mail at .

Over 4 Million Awarded in Tax Credits!

JARI is pleased to announce that $4,934,707 in tax credits have been awarded to local companies through the Greater Johnstown Keystone Innovation Zone (GJKIZ) since the inception of the program in 2005. In 2017, $118,190 in tax credits were awarded to five companies. The Commonwealth has a total annual pool of up to $15 million available to eligible companies.

KIZs are designed to foster innovation and create entrepreneurial opportunities. To qualify for the GJKIZ program, a company must be a for-profit located within the territory of the GJKIZ, be fewer than eight years old, and have its primary business within one or more of the following industry sectors:

  • Advanced Manufacturing
  • Environmental/Renewable Energy Technology
  • Information Systems Technology
  • Life Sciences

A KIZ company must have an innovative process or have patents, licensing agreements, trademarks and/or copyrights on products or processes created in-house. A company may receive up to $100,000 in tax credits annually if they meet the criteria and the tax credits are available. If there is no tax liability for the company, the credits may be sold for cash.

For more information or to obtain a KIZ application, contact Joette Watson at  or (814) 262-8372.

Vision2025 Annual Celebration

Join Vision2025 on Tuesday, January 23rd from 5:30 to 7:00 PM for it’s annual celebration as Vision leaders thank the Vision2025 capture teams and over 1,000 volunteers who have lead projects in our community over the past two years!

Attendees will have an opportunity to network with capture team members and learn more about the projects they have taken on in order to build a better Johnstown!

The event, which will be held at Ace’s Lounge, is free and anyone is welcome to attend! Food will be provided and a cash bar will be available! Sponsored by This event is sponsored by Lift Johnstown and The Community Foundation for the Alleghenies.

Preparing Your Personal Financial Statement

Patti Hudson, CPA of Wessel & Company and Jeff Cramer of 1st Summit Bank, will present Preparing Your Personal Financial Statement on Tuesday, January 23rd. Attendees will learn how to complete a personal financial statement, understand what the bank is looking for when submitting a loan application and how to meet the bank’s individual reporting compliance requirements. The financial statement would include the proper reporting of assets, liabilities, income and expenses.

The workshop will be held from 12 PM to 1:15 PM at JARI Center for Business Development. The cost to register is $5 per person and lunch will be provided.

If you are interested in attended, please fill out the registration form and email it to Lauren Brewer at .

Federal Tax Reform

Wessel & Company Representatives will present Federal Tax Reform on Tuesday, January 30th. Attendees will learn about the most comprehensive update to the tax code since 1986, including cuts to corporate tax rates, a special 20% deduction for pass through entities and increase in capital expensing. Attendees will also learn about the significant reduction in income tax brackets, the doubling of the child tax credit and how the tax code strengthens Section 179 deductions.

The workshop will be held from 12 PM to 1:15 PM at JARI Center for Business Development. The cost to register is $5 per person and lunch will be provided.

If you are interested in attended, please fill out the registration form and email it to Lauren Brewer at .

2018 All Industry Partnership Schedule

The All Industry Partnership meeting schedule has been set for 2018. Meetings will be held on the following dates:

  • February 9th
  • May 11th
  • September 14th
  • November 9th

The purpose of the Industry Partnerships (Healthcare, Manufacturing, Safety, and Business & Education) is to facilitate collaboration among various partners in an effort to build workforce capacity, share best practices, leverage resources and encourage open communication among members.

All meetings will be held at 8:30 AM at Pennsylvania Highlands Community College (Richland Campus) unless otherwise noted. Individual partnerships will meet as needed.

If you would like more information on JARI Industry Partnerships, please contact Debi Balog at  or by phone at (814) 262-8366.