Local Entrepreneurs Will Pitch to Win Up to $10,000 in Somerset!

Do you know Mark Barbera, Kirk Sherbine, Tim Kretchman, BJ Opett, Dan Morris, or Emily Mahler? For the past several weeks, these local entrepreneurs have been participating in a business startup accelerator program, the TechCelerator@Somerset. On March 14, 2019, they will each make a graduation “pitch” to a team of judges from the community. The winner will walk away with up to $10,000!

Come and support local entrepreneurs, each of whom will have the opportunity to share with the audience their intended target market, the problem, their solution and how their idea will make money for them and future investors. While the judges deliberate, stay to enjoy the fun networking reception, co-sponsored by the Somerset Trust Company and Uptown Works, that follows.

When:           Thursday, March 14, 2019 / 5:00 PM
Where:          Historic Somerset Trust Building – 131 N. Center Avenue
Why:              Local entrepreneurs will “pitch” for a cash prize of up to $10,000.

Join us for the presentations, but also stay and enjoy the reception! Click here to RSVP by March 9th!

About the TechCelerator@Somerset:

As an important component of the Startup Alleghenies initiative, www.startupalleghenies.com, the team at Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Central & Northern PA developed a curriculum that is providing Somerset County entrepreneurs, grad-students, faculty members, and emerging tech-startups with a weekly business training accelerator program.

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