Field to Fork Agricultural Incubator Workshop for Food Entrepreneurs
Southern Alleghenies Planning and Development Commission (SAP&DC) and the Greater Johnstown Career and Technology Center (GJCTC) will be holding an informational workshop for the Field to Fork Agricultural Incubator on November 8th, 2017 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. The workshop will be held at GJCTC and will educate interested parties about the benefits of the shared-use kitchen and the processes required to utilize the space.
The Agricultural Incubator provides an opportunity for value-added producers to create their products in a shared-use facility with access to a variety of kitchen equipment and ample storage space. The workshop will assist potential users in the processes required to use the kitchen, including a review of the paperwork required by the Department of Agriculture. Business ideas, comparative cost analyses, and other useful information will also be covered at the workshop. Come prepared to learn more about this wonderful community resource, get help filling out your proper paperwork, and talk with the professionals!
If you have any questions or are interested in registering, please contact Karen Wilwol, SAP&DC’s Community Development Planner, by phone at (814) 949-6532 or by email at .