Students Have Opportunity to Engage With  Area Professionals

Panel facilitator (left): Tobie Gunby; Panelist left to right: Chad Miller, Johnstown Police Department; Kayla Cobaugh, the Learning Lamp; Mike Hinson, API Technologies; Tim Mallon, Pepsi Co.; SSG Aaron Eddington, US Army

On Thursday, October 19, JARI and the Human Resources Association of the Alleghenies (HRAA) hosted the 6th Annual Youth Professional Development Conference (YPDC) at the Pasquerilla Conference Center in downtown Johnstown.

The conference hosted nearly 180 students in grades 10-12 from 13 school districts.  Students heard from area business leaders including keynote speaker Robert Heinrich, Academic Academy Principal at Greater Johnstown High School.

YPDC gives students the opportunity to engage with a variety of business and industry leaders and human resources professionals. Students also attended sessions on resume building and interviewing, social media/cyber security, teens in the workplace, and various career options with regional employers.

Additional community leaders who gave their time as session speakers and panelists include: Mike Stohan, In-Shore Technologies; Tim Mallon, PepsiCo; Mike Hinson, API Technologies; SSG Aaron Eddington, US Army; Renee Shaw, PA CareerLink Cambria County; Tonia Gordon, Mount Aloysius College; Brittany Snedden, Student, Mount Aloysius College; Chad Miller, Johnstown Police Department, and Kayla Cobaugh, the Learning Lamp.

For more information on the Youth Conference click here or contact Debi Balog at (814) 262-8366 or via e-mail .

Mike Stohan, In-Shore Technologies, presents information on social media and cyber security.
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