2017 Small Business Advantage Grant
On behalf of Governor Wolf and DEP Secretary McDonnell, the Department of Environmental Protection is pleased to announce the opening of the 14th round of the Small Business Advantage Grant.
The program is designed to assist small businesses in deploying pollution prevention or energy efficiency measures into their operations. Pennsylvania-based small businesses with less than 100 employees are eligible. Businesses are able to receive a 50% reimbursement match on new equipment or processes which save a minimum of $500 and reduce their energy or waste by 25% per year. The grant maximum is $9,500 for energy efficiency or pollution projects or $7,000 for lighting-only upgrades.
New this year is an on-line application process, making it easier to apply and allowing grants to get into the hands of small businesses faster. Paper applications will no longer be accepted. Grants are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.
The full 2017 Grant Guidance, including all requirements, step-by-step instructions and other necessary forms can be found on the DEP’s Small Business Advantage Grant webpage. Applicants are advised to carefully review the guidance document, which has been updated for 2017.
If you have questions regarding your application submission, please contact Ed Boito, Small Business Ombudsman, at (717) 783-0909.